Japanese Language Trainer
Project Summary
This project was created to help with the Japanese minor I was
planning on getting. After two years of studying Japanese I realized
that I would like to have my practice tools other than speaking on the
same platform. This application allowed me to study vocabulary, kanji,
listening, reading, and writing with levels ranging from elementary to
Tools, libraries, frameworks, etc.
Java, JFC/Swing
Project Description
This app was created with Java as the logic and JFC/Swing as the GUI.
The app allows for the user to train in N5 which is elementary level
all the way through N1 business level.
The vocabulary would
allow the user to choose whether they would like to start off with
English or Japanese first and supply the vocab from popular N5-N1
vocabulary charts.
The Kanji section is created similar to the vocabulary except with
Kanji/Hiragana instead of English/Hiragana.
The listening section provides the user with a one sentence Japanese
audio transcript that the user needs to translate.
The reading section presents a paragraph that the user needs to read
and translate.
The writing section gives the user a english passage that will need to
be translated into Japanese.